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Last Updated: 06 April 2018

Thank you for choosing K.Kopter (hereby known as KK) Care Refresh (hereby known as CR). By purchasing CR, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to these terms. 




During CR’s period of validity, if damage occurs accidentally under normal use, the repair fees and related costs incurred will be undertaken by KK according to this agreement.


Kindly note that the pricing of CR is subject to changes without prior notification.




This plan does not cover:


  • Drones that are used for conducting commercial flying activities, reasons or purpose.

  • Lost of aircraft, radio controller and accessories.

  • Stolen or abandoned aircraft, radio controller and accessories.

  • If KK’s security sticker is removed or damaged.

  • Repair work for battery, propellers or other accessories.

  • All aesthetic and technical enhancements, performance improvements or any type of modification that are not in accordance with DJI specification.

  • Deliberate damages.

  • Software or firmware manipulation, modification and update (unless firmware update is required during the course of repair work).

  • Abrasions and shell damage that do not affect the performance of the aircraft and/or radio controller.

  • Repair requests for damage incurred outside the period of validity.

  • Repair cases with unaccompanied evidences that are listed under the repair claim process.

  • Any legal fees related to CR’s warranty coverage.




The coverage amount that you have signed up for is fixed throughout the plan. Please refer to the coverage amount in the approved application form that is emailed to you. For non-customer please click here to see the info.




CR is valid for one year from the date of approval of the plan.




When damage to your aircraft or radio controller occurs, and you are within CR’s coverage, please file a Drone Damage Report at our website:


The following evidences will be required for the repair claim:


  • Photos of location of accident.

  • Photos of extent of damage (of aircraft or radio controller).

  • Screen shot of flight record displaying the full flight path with telemetry information. 

  • Under certain repair claim circumstance, KK might require the last video file recorded in the video cache (on the phone) or SD card (prior to occurrence of the accident). Such request may be made for investigation purposes and the file will be documented and archived for reference only.


Send the damaged aircraft to our Singapore Repair Center, together with the following items:


  • 1 Radio controller

  • 1 fully charged battery

  • 1 full set of working (non-damaged) propellers


Upon completion of the repair work, the repaired aircraft will be self-collected at our Singapore Repair Center.


If replacement units are offered to claimant, please note that it is at KK’s discretion to provide a new or refurbished set, as long as the aircraft is reliable and in performance.


The damaged part shall be KK’s property after the repair work completes.




When damage to a 3rd party occurs, and you are within CR’s coverage, please fill out the Public Liability Claim Form at our website.


The following evidences will be required for the repair claim:


  • Photos of location of accident.

  • Photos of extent of damage (injury and/or damaged property)

  • Scan copy or photos of the medical or repair/replacement bills, on the injury or damaged property.

  • Screen shot of flight record displaying the full flight path with telemetry information.

  • Under certain repair claim circumstance, KK might require the last video file recorded in the video cache (on the phone) or the SD card (prior to occurrence of the accident). Such request may be made for investigation purposes and the file will be documented and archived for reference only.




  • CR can be cancelled upon surrendering the full set of aircraft. Refund will be provided on prorated basis.

  • CR cannot be cancelled without surrendering the full set of aircraft.

  • CR is not transferrable to another party. 

  • Where refund is concern, you will be repaid a rateable proportion of the premium for the unexpired period of insurance from the date of cancellation subject to a minimum premium of S$107 which is automatically calculated and deducted upon approval of your cancellation request. 

  • Payment will be made in cash or cheque (or both) to you.






Changes and Updates to this Section

Please revisit this page periodically to stay aware of any changes to the terms, which we may update from time to time. If we modify this term, we will make it available on or through the KK Products and Services, and indicate the date of the latest revision. In the event that the modifications materially alter your rights or obligations hereunder, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you of the change. Your continued use of KK Products and Services after the revised terms has become effective indicates that you have read, understood and agreed to the current version of this Policy.


Our Contact Information

Please contact us with any questions or comments about this Terms of Service & Use by email at



150, South Bridge Road, #B1-30, Fook Hai Building, Singapore 058727

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